LET LOVE BE SACRED RGAaPoet@aol.com (For Vanessa Piccolo) Venture along your life's long road, Among its finest floral forms. Nature has granted you're bestowed Especial strengths, to fight life's storms. Savour each challenge -- every hope Should cheer your heart; engage your soul. As long as you're sincere, you'll cope, In every mode, which checks your role. Sing with a voice which travels far; And shout those songs which utter joy! Beware of melodies which mar -- Enfeeble, mangle, or destroy.... Let love be sacred in your life. Love is the virtue which bears all. Ascribe to thoughts which stifle strife! Peace, then, will hasten to your call. Instill life's virtues in your mind. Cherish its pleasures as you grow. Cherish its treasures, and you'll find Only the good good lives bestow. Live all your days in ways that sing Of just the good in everything! 07/28/1997 Copyright (c) 1997 by Ronald G. Auguste